shut-off method shall be provided for conducting compression unbalance checks. The contractor
shall also provide STE/ICE-R vehicle test cards in the format identified in Drawing 12258955 addressing
both DCA and TK measurements and shall incorporate the test cards into the distributor technical manuals
when manuals are provided (see 6. 11).
3.17 Antivandalism protection. The distributor shall be equipped with locks to secure the following:
Fuel tank filler cap.
Hydraulic oil tank filler cap.
Engine oil filler cap and dipstick.
Transmission oil filler cap and dipstick.
Radiator filler cap.
Battery box.
When any of the above items are secured by lockable cab doors or lockable engine side panels, individual
locks are not required. Keys for ignition, cab doors, cover panels, filler caps and tool battery boxes shall
be interchangeable to the maximum extent possible. Two sets of keys shall be furnished with each
distributor and each set shall be identical for every distributor.
3.18 Attachments. The removable attachments shall not be included in determining the airborne and
airmobile weights of the distributor in 3.7.1 and 3.8.
3.18.1 Auxiliary discharge hose and reel. A removable auxiliary hose and reel assembly shall be
furnished. The assembly shall be a hose reel with swivel, valve, and at least 70-feet of 1-1/2 inch inside
diameter, elastomer lined, NFPA No. 1961 and 1963 fire hose assembly. A crank shall be provided for
hand rewind of the winding mechanism. A ratchet device shall be provided to prevent tension or looseness
on the hose. Four-way roller guides shall be provided to prevent damage to the hose when used other than
straight out. The hose and reel assembly shall be mounted between the rear wheels. The free end of the
hose shall be fitted with a delivery nozzle. The nozzle shall be equipped with a 1-1/2-inch diameter rigid
spout. The nozzle shall be of the shutoff type or shall have a shutoff valve at the nozzle inlet. A metallic
dust cap shall be furnished for the nozzle spout. Hoses shall be not more than 12 months old from date of
cure of the rubber to date of acceptance by the Government.
3.19 Transportability. The distributor shall be capable of being transported by military or commercial
trailers, trains, marine vessels, aircraft and shall be capable of withstanding the impact forces encountered
in shipment, air drop, and low altitude parachute extraction system (IAPES) without damage or permanent
deformation. The distributor shall be equipped with tiedown or slinging provisions.
3.19.1 Tiedown provisions. The tiedown provisions shall conform to MIL-STD-209, class 2 or 3,
type IV equipment, and to MIL-STD-1791 for equipment restraint criteria. The tiedown provisions shall
satisfactorily complete the pull testing as specified without weld failure, permanent deformation, cracking,
loosening, or breaking of the provision or its connecting structural components.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business